Crowned Gears are necessary for applications where noise is a concern. Crowning gear teeth reduce noise by alleviating misalignment through either assembly or thrust problems.

We are able to achieve crowning by any one of three means. One is by crown hobbing in one of our CNC gear hobbing machines, without any additional process. We can Also straight hob the gear teeth, then crown shave the teeth, achieving the necessary crown but also an even higher DIN class level gear, and lastly, we can straight hob and crown gear grind the gear to an even higher-class level yet, up to DIN 06.

So if lower noise levels, of higher quality gears are what you require, speak with AVIRAT Gears.

We manufacture Crown Gears with following specifications:

Generally, Internal Gears are used for the transmission of power. Internal Gears are gear teeth generated in the internal diameter.

1. Module: 05 module to 10 Module.
2. Outer Diameter: 50mm to 500mm.